
Below is a list of the apple varieties we have grown over the years. In 2022/23 fewer varieties will be grown, as I am in the process of selecting the best ones for Scottish conditions. You’ll find some well-known, and some more unusual varieties.


I budded the following varieties on mm106 and m26 stocks in August last year.  They are growing away nicely and a few will be sold bare root in December 2022 with a good number of other varieties also potted up for sales in 2023. The list includes: Red Windsor 116, Bloody Ploughman 106 , Bramley 106 / 26, Coul Blush 106 , Fortune  106,  Fiesta 26, Jupiter 26 , Galloway Pippin 106 , Grenadier 26, Red Devil 116 , Katy 116, Scots Dumpling 106 and Discovery 26

M26 and 116 are dwarfing,  MM106 semi-vigorous rootstocks. Find out more about Rootstocks.

A range of potted trees are always available at the farm.  Please message me on if you want to purchase any at the farm and need advice.

We usually grow the following varieties many of which are for sale at the farm in 12 litre pots.

Arbroath Oslin

Beauty of Moray

George Cave



Cambusnethan Pippin

Coul Blush

Red devil

East Lothian Pippin

Galloway Pippin

Lass of Gowrie

Jamba 69

Red James Grieve


Lord Rosebery



Siddington Russet

Red Glow


Kingston Black

St Edmund’s Pippin


Worcester Pearmain

Apple Trees

Eaters/Dessert Apples are in BOLD
* refers to traditional Scottish varieties

Arbroath Oslin * I first came across this small yellow early apple piled up in a wheelbarrow in September in a Perthshire orchard….and what a heavenly aroma! A lovely tree, it sometimes has aerial roots…eh? Best on mm106.
Bloody Ploughman * The seedling that grew out of the bones of the ploughman shot scrumping apples at Megginch Castle, Perthshire. Can your collection be complete without one?
Beauty of Moray * Dual purpose, and cooks to a strongly flavoured cream puree….one for the freezer and winter puddings. Nice light green early apple.
Belle De Boskoop Very impressed with this very productive dual-purpose russet in my garden!( shush!, don’t tell! ) Nice strong and productive tree.
Bramley’s Seedling Aye, the most popular cooker perhaps, and often scab free, but very vigorous for small gardens. Best on dwarf stocks.
Beauty Of Bath A rival to Discovery and George Cave for the best early eater.
Cambusnethan Pippin * This is a nice looking red striped dual apple, I find it crisp, quite sweet, and scab free. From the Clyde Valley.
Clydeside * A local cooker, ready late September. Who knows how long this has been grown in the Clyde Valley before your modern Bramleys etc?
Coul Blush * A soft fleshed golden apple, cooks to a lemon froth according to Joan Morgan. A Ross-shire apple….that’s very far north! An eater too?
Cutler Grieve * Complete the duo….this is the rare sister to Scotland’s prime Edinburgh variety, James Grieve. A striking cherry red, a hint of a strawberry flavour….mmm? Very pretty apple.
Dunning Another of my Canadian eaters that I am experimenting with. Our hotter summers should favour these.
Discovery When the Discovery’s ripen in early autumn you can spot then in gardens from a distance. They are a lovely large soft red eater and very reliable here. Scab free.
Early Julyan (Tam Montgomery) * A Clydeside apple (reputedly). Very early yellow fruit, the first dual purpose fruit at my local Elcho Castle Orchard. I have seen these go to waste on the floor as no-one was aware they were ripe!
East Lothian Pippin * Makes a great apple sauce. A light green apple. Early ripening and very productive. I munch them.
Edward Vll A very hardy late flowering cooker for frosty areas.
Emneth Early A good very tough yellow early scab free fruit for the West coast.
 Fiesta Very impressed with this Cox type eater at Newburgh. Its a late eater.
Galloway Pippin * A clean late cooker, can be sweet enough to eat. A vigorous tree, large round apples.
George Cave Very valuable early sweet eater, ripening with a red flush on green in mid-August.
Grenadier A good Victorian cooker appearing frequently in our local orchards and prized in Europe also. A reliable and prolific ‘second early’ cooker for the west coast and wet areas. Well only second if you have an even earlier one!
Hawthornden * An old variety in Scotland, it’s a productive early cooker in our garden and best sliced with cheese. Yum. Best on a vigorous stock.
Hood’s Supreme * A teardrop shaped handsome sweet early eater with a bit of fizz. An Angus apple. Long thin distinctive leaves.
James Grieve *   Very productive eater, one of the first to flower, it is an early soft sweet apple. It is difficult to keep, though I did keep a tray full until Xmas last year. It will never be a supermarket apple, but has been hybridised with many other varieties. I grow a red clone which is superior in many ways.
Jupiter A heavy cropping triploid Cox type, late Oct. Fairly impressed with this strong tree.
Katy How can a Worcester/ James Grieve cross not do well in Scotland! It forms a bright red small to medium crisp eating apples. The deep colour of one, with the softness of the other. Reliable productive and fairly scab free red fruit.
Keswick Codlin A lovely codlin, makes good cider too. Distinctive leaves. Very reliable and hardy early light yellow cooker in Scotland.
Liberty One of the few red eaters that survived the frosts this spring.
Lady of the Lake* Crisp eater ready October. Never before available in Scotland! From the Carse of Gowrie.
Lady of the Wemyss * An irregularly shaped large late flushed cooker from Fife.
Lass O’ Gowrie * Our local girl. Early eater, crisp at first, going soft quite quickly. Distinct small fruit.
Laxton’s Fortune Well-known, stripey red eater, tough and tasty , very productive in Scotland. Late Sept. Good for the west.
Lady Lambourne A tough scab free, well coloured mid  to late season eater. A cross of Worcester and Grieve.
Lobo A mid-season McIntosh type eater from Canada
Lord Derby A hardy late grass green cooker, many good old trees in Scotland. One of the best cookers. Good for juicing too.
Lord Rosebery * A local apple named after a prime minister by David Storrie at his nursery around the turn of the last century at Glencarse, Perthshire. Attractive, small red sweet early eating apple.
Mank’s Codlin A productive and reliable dual purpose yellow apple for really difficult areas.
 Noris  A deep red Late MacIntosh type tough apple from Russia. Crisp white flesh, frost hardy with me.
 Port Allen Russet * A medium to large yellow and russetted fruit. I have become very fond of this nice productive eating apple over the years.
Quinte A very nice early eater from Canada, much grown in Norway.
Red Charles Ross A distinctive heavy apple appearing at many apple days. Large, crisp, juicy, dual purpose cox flavoured apple. Have acquired a red form.
Red Astrachan This apple would be wasted on apple pies. It proved to be a very tasty ‘perfumed’ eater in mid- September last year. The best of the year! It’s very hardy too.
Red Devil For your pink juice try this eater. Discovery cross so good.
Red Falstaff James Grieve influence makes this a good stripy apple.
Red James Grieve Redder form of James Grieve.
Reinette Gris I acquired a tree from Belgium and its proving to be a fab russet in my garden! Eating them in December.
St Edmund’s Pippin A nice clean late russet. They were very very nice in 2018 and I kept a few to plant in my orchard.
Scotch Bridget * This cooker / sharp eater has a very distinctive oblong lopsided shape and a brown-red flush. Has been grown a long time here and in Northern England. Very productive and vigorous tree in my orchard.
Scots Dumpling * Our little spindlebush produces lots of early fruit.
Seaton House * A large, sharp round cooking apple from Angus.
Siddington Russet* A good russetty form of Galloway Pippin. Dual purpose.
Stirling Castle* Cooker. It was once used to pollinate Cox’s and to nurse Bramley orchards. Raised at Causewayhead, Stirling… A lovely uniformly round green to yellow cooker.  Must be on a vigorous stock.
Stobo Castle * This is a large lobed soft Scottish dual apple, and was a very nice eater in 2019. Mid-season. I’ve become fond of this one.
Thurso A Canadian eater that i am experimenting with. Our hot summers should favour these varieties in the future.
Sunset Our best Cox type for Scotland. Can produce small apples, but are  crisp and juicy. My maiden tree has fruit forming in its first year! Pretty in flower. Late apple.
Thomas Jeffrey* A pretty red small stripey eater, sharp and firm! Best for cider. From Edinburgh.
Thorle Pippin* Round flat and colourfully striped juicy but sharp early eater. Early flowerer. Its a nice enough munch off the tree.
Tower of Glamis * Our local green conical cooker, and one which the head gardener at Glamis Castle thoroughly recommends! Our wee M27 tree always has very big fruits . Better on a larger stock perhaps!
Alkemene / Red Windsor A nice crisp flavoursome late eater. A keeper too. I grow it very well on dwarfing M9 in my orchard.
White Melrose * Smooth shiny green to yellow dual purpose apple – I happily munched one at Elcho Castle last year and was surprised to see the label. Prolific and reliable.
Worcester Pearmain I have a very productive tree in my garden, it is crisp and sweet. Highly recommended for Scottish conditions. It is a tip bearer, but don’t let that worry you! Late flowering.
Wheeler’s Russet A very nice russet eater much seen in the Clyde Valley.Very nice in 2018.  I’m now a fan of all russets.

Scandinavian Varieties

Over the years we have been propagating a number of hardy reliable Scandinavian grown varieties which we feel would do very well here. Including the following: Akero, Noris, Julyred, Red Astrachan, PJ Bergius, and Quinte.

Cider Varieties

We occasionally bench graft a number of selected Cider Varieties including Morgan Sweet, Kingston Black, Dabinett, Dunkerton’s Late, Kingston’s Black, Porter’s Perfection, Harry Master’s Jersey, Somerset Red, and Slack-ma-girdle, Tom Putt and our very own Thomas Jeffrey!


We generally have Victoria and Opal plums on St Julien and dwarfing VVA stocks.  Plus some Damsons and a few Gages. Please ask for more information.

Pears and Quinces

We will have our usual selection of bare root hardy pears for Scotland. Including Beth, Conference and a number of Scottish varieties such as Christie, Willowgate, Maggie, Hessle, Grey Benvie, Longueville, Craig’s Favourite and Fair Maid Of Perth. Plus a selection of other fruits including Quinces, Cherry Merton Glory, Cobnuts, Saskatoons and Medlars.